The beliefs we hold reflects what we see in the world – Free your mind


Here are some thoughts and perspectives on how beliefs influences your experience of life!

Beliefs are made up in your mind, constructed and regarded by the beliver as truths. But they are not the Truth!

Believing that success is not for you, will make an illusive wall that blindfolds you to even consider ways that would lead to success. 

believing you are a body, bound by the rules of DNA and genetic evolution, will bound you to health issues and sickness related to those before you and the science that governs this approach.

believing you are going to die someday, will make your choices and actions in life be of somewhat limited possibilities. Like hurrying through each moment, scared of missing out.

believing that anything is possible, is one way of opening your mind to endless possibilities.

believing that you or somebody else will always be guilty for their actions, will imprison your mind to hold on to grief, depression and perhaps even hate and anger.

believing that forgiveness is possible, will give you and everyone else a possibility for freedom and happiness.

Now have you ever considered the unconscious and conscious beliefs you hold/teach/maintain for yourself and the world? – Give yourself time to investigate, contemplate and maybe reconsider some of your beliefs.

Are you building walls and darkness around your perception, or are you appreciating openness and endless possibilities?

Are you seeing yourself as absolutely worthy of completeness, joy, awesomeness, feeling great, experiencing an amazing life, being able to make the change you want to see, breathing openly, leaving fear to …

For the light that want’s to shine inside?

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Intuitive steps for dummies

Hey just a quick 3 step guide for spicing some awesomeness on your daily life…
1. Say out loud: Life is AWESOME!!! X 10

2. Making any affirmation check if you feel contraction of expansion

2.1 if contraction, call me, youre in deep trouble. Conflicting beliefsystems detected, clean up is neded. 

2.2 if expansion – great please continue next step

3. Is there anything I wanna do, think about, focus on or feel right now, which is even better than the awesomeness feeling?

Perfect that is then your next job. Yes you got it, follow your highest vibration and co-create life 🙂 
Below some art to show 🙂


New Inspirational Training – Short Circuit FBWO


I am currently working as a projectmanager for a restaurant, coaching a whole team and being a CEO for my own Company. All the while I keep my body and mind fit. 

My focus during training is effecient, short and energizing training. And a new circuit came up yesterday that I’ll share here. Briefly said, I felt great afterwards and ready for the day.

Here are the full routine and the build up is simple. Pick a number with the heaviest exercise you can do, and stick to that throughout the whole exercise, but maximum 8.

Warm up: 

Peaceful Warrior by Dan Millman

Chest Circuit x 3

  • Dips BW 1-8reps
  • Push ups 1-8reps
  • Push ups into side-plank 1-8

Leg Circuit:

  • KB-Squats (e.g. 2xkb(24kgs)) same reps as first whole circuit
  • KB- walking lunges
  • Base jumping

Back Circuit:

  • Chin ups
  • Plank pull
  • Upper back machine

Do the circuts with a weight and amount that you barely can do the heavy exercise in the last round. And then write down and practice to increase weight when you can do 8.
Have fun and a great exercise!

Transformational Insights

During a time here on Earth…

I came across to experience contrasts in various degrees. Some seemingly more intense and direct, while others remained subtle and shadowish.

What I want to bring attention to here is the emotional/energetical contrasts throughout the tests, trials, mistakes, foresigts in between the natural states if clarity and serenity, that we all experiences time to time.

During these contrasts, I have had a tendency to fall for the doubt, lies and especially the inability to do anything differently than first perceived. 

The benefit from these contrasts though, is the more I dwell in “dark”, “destructive” energy, the “stars”, light – my spirit – gets clearer and shines brigther. But sometimes a friend is needed to give of the love, compassion and joy to inject just enough energy, a spark, to be reminded of that Spirit I have inside.

That’s the whole purpose and meaning of healing. To give a clear reflection of the One Self we all inherently share. The immortal Spirit.

The ways to continously grow in Spirit is to share one’s joy, love and gratitude with everything this moment! Whatever that expression may look like or manifest ;).

An inner guide can join us along this path of expanding our awareness of Self and ways to recognize true from false. 

Give goodness unless wanting badass motherfucking awesomeness….then give that!

Brian Jacobsen